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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

 (MSNBC) In the future we'll all be compelled to carry  domestic passports.  (just like N.Korea, Russia and China) They'll have a chip embedded that will tell the federal transportation watchdogs all about your daily commutes to work, the mall and everywhere else you travel be it by bus or train or automobile. Your official travel document “will not only have information as to who you are and where you have traveled, but it will also  allow government officials to track your travel not only in the air, but your daily travels to work, grocery stores and social events.” “Criminal checks, fingerprinting, iris scans and character references will be a standard process for all of us,” Such background probes will be performed annually for all travelers and fliers, and a new government clearance will be created and granted to those “with no blemishes on their background.” A new federal agency will be formed to oversee such a program. “The future of transportation security will be gathering intelligence technologically while people are moving at the speed of life, not beginning at a point where passengers are queued up, delayed, stripped down and probed,” said Daly, director of intelligence-watch operations for iJet. The Annapolis, Md.-based firm offers risk-management solutions for more than 500 multinational corporations and government organizations. Daly cites refinements in software that instantly read and catalog everything from faces to license plates and which, he says, must  be expanded to airports, trains, subways and public buildings. If technology fails to provide an adequate solution, the option in the face of future attacks would be further restrictions and the potential for humiliating human-to-human interaction” rivaling a medical checkup, Daly said. The Transportation Security Administration is currently testing behavioral questioning at Boston’s Logan Airport. (see clip below) Behavior detection officers initiate conversations with all passengers passing through Terminal A, asking non-intrusive questions and watching for responses. Fliers who avoid eye contact or who wrestle to answer certain questions may be pulled out of line for extra scrutiny. The pilot program is “modeled after a number of behavior-detection programs used by other security and law-enforcement agencies, but tailored to TSA’s specific mission,” said TSA spokesperson Greg Soule.

Specially trained TSA employees (FOUR WHOLE DAYS OF TRAINING) whose primary mission is to spot terrorists look for unique behavior that may be a potential threat. But as all independent experts report, the program is failing to catch terrorists despite the $200 + million per year price tag.




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