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Sunday, July 22, 2012

The machine is ten million times faster and one million times more sensitive than any currently available system. That means that it can be used systematically on everyone.

Hidden Government Laser Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From Over 160 Feet Away With Total Loss of Privacy and Freedom
 GISMODOThere are a lot of questions with no answer yet, but it's obvious that the potential level of personal invasion of this hideously invasive technology goes far beyond that of body scans, wiretaps, and GPS tracking. Going well beyond eavesdropping, it seems quite possible that the U.S. government plans on recording molecular data on innocent citizens without their consent, or even knowledge that it's possible—a scary thought. Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and police will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and personal possessions with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body government agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you. The company that invented it, Genia Photonics, says that its laser scanner technology is able to "penetrate clothing and many other organic materials and offers spectroscopic information such as explosives and pharmacological substances." All this without you ever knowing it. The technology is so incredibly effective that, in November 2011, its inventors were subcontracted by In-Q-Tel to work with the US Department of Homeland Security. In-Q-Tel is a company founded "in February 1999 by a group of private citizens at the request of the Director of the CIA and with the support of the U.S. Congress." According to In-Q-Tel, they are the bridge between the Agency and new technology companies. Their plan is to install this molecular-level scanning all across the United States. There has so far been no discussion about the personal rights and privacy issues involved. Which "molecular tags" will they be scanning for? Who determines them? What are the threshold levels of this scanning? If you unknowingly stepped on the butt of someone's joint and are carrying a sugar-sized grain of cannabis will you be arrested? And, since it's extremely portable, it will be extended beyond the airport or border crossings and into police cars, subways, lamp posts, toll booths or even at staged intervals on public roads with officers looking for people on the street with increased levels of adrenaline in their system to have probable cause to detain. Your car will be scanned at stoplights for any trace amounts of suspicious substances. All this information will be recorded and compiled in huge databases to be used against you by law enforcement and sold to corporations and insurance companies to do whatever they like!


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