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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

                                         NSA BECOMES "PRECRIME AGENCY"
Former NSA Senior Executive Thomas Drake and two other high ranking former NSA officials say the spying affects “the entire country,” citing a “key decision made shortly after 9/11 which began to rapidly turn the United States of America into the equivalent of a foreign nation for "dragnet blanket electronic surveillance."  On an interview carried on Current TV’s Viewpoint program on Monday, former NSA Technical Director William Binney commented on the state of blanketing surveillance along with colleagues Thomas Drake and Kirk Wiebe, the agency's former senior official and senior analyst, respectively. The broadcast comes on the heels of a series of speeches given by Binney, who has quickly become more known for his whistle-blowing than his work with the NSA. In their latest appearance this week, though, all three former staffers corroborated on earlier accounts by suggesting that America’s spy program is really more dangerous than some deem it to be. .”
“When you open up the Pandora’s Box of just getting access to incredible amounts of data, for people that have no reason to be put under suspicion, no reason to have done anything wrong, and just collect all that for potential future use or even current use, it opens up a real danger — and to what else they could use that data for, particularly when it’s all being hidden behind the mantle of national security,” Drake said. Both statements from the former NSA official come on the heels of a revelation that law enforcement officers collected the cell phone records of 1.3 million Americans in 2011 alone. By carrying out this and similar requests under provisions in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and using National Security Letters, though, news articles are emerging everyday suggesting that the surveillance of Americans  off the radar and under wraps  is becoming occurring more and more exponentially by the minute.  READ ENTIRE ARTICLE

This is a shocking video confirmation by former NSA employees, what many suspected about the National Security Agency.




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