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Monday, June 25, 2012

A congressional hearing on April 29, laid bare a shocking problem: A counterfeit ingredient in a blood-thinner widely used in surgery, combined with the Food and Drug Administration's failure to inspect Chinese imports, appears to be responsible for at least 81 known deaths in the United States so far. The CEO of Baxter International, which supplies half the heparin used in the U.S., accused the Chinese of having engaged in a "deliberate scheme to adulterate" the medication by using a poisonous product (an altered form of chondroitin sulfate) that mimics the effects of heparin. U.S. patients suffered severe side effects such as abdominal pain, decreased blood pressure, burning sensations, chest pain, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, vomiting and death. The inept retards at the FDA didn't discover this deception because the FDA inspects China's drug makers only every 13 years. Government auditors admit that the FDA conducted only 30 inspections of the more than 3,200 foreign drug companies during the last fiscal year, and plans to conduct only 50 this year. At least 80 percent of active and non-active ingredients in U.S. drugs now come from overseas, the majority from China. Your next prescription might contain cement, gypsum, antifreeze, talcum powder, sawdust, industrial solvents or paint.


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