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All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to be silent -Thomas Jefferson-

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Sunday, July 7, 2013


 AFP - Fugitive intelligence leaker Edward Snowden said the NSA operates a broad secret spying partnership with Germany which is  now publicly complaining about the same spying it secretly condones. Snowden said an NSA department known as the Foreign Affairs Directorate coordinated work with foreign secret services. Snowden say's partnerships are organized so that authorities in other countries can "insulate their political leaders from the backlash" if it becomes public and "how grievously they're violating global privacy," he said. The interview was conducted by US cryptography expert Jacob Appelbaum and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras using "encrypted emails shortly before Snowden became known globally for his whistleblowing. Claims about widespread US spying on Western partners has sparked uproar among European allies in particular and threatened to derail talks on the world's largest free-trade zone due to start Monday. The unfortunate truth is, NSA has the leaders of these countries in their back pockets. All the complaining by German and other heads of state is just an act to appease the masses and continue the charade. Promoting the pretense of privacy and personal freedom is an essential element of the global effort by the creeping elitist fascism, funded by international banking cartels, that is slowly engulfing our planet. If world leaders are not held accountable to the highest moral and legal standards the term 'private' will be relegated to the annuls of history. Once privacy has been obliterated worldwide, the elitists will have little trouble dismantling what's left of  our humanity and dignity. The world's population will end up in technological lockdown. A prison without  structured walls but much more difficult to escape from. A Global Plantation administered to by so-called 'elected leaders' who are financed and fully controlled by the puppeteers of the Corporatocracy and Central Banks. And finally, when enforcement is needed to neutralize the most stubborn holdouts, the Military Industrial Complex  will step in with their own brand of deadly technology, i.e. drones, lasers, weapons that blind and deafen. And of coarse, there's torture. Just another useful tool of the fascist elite who will be dominant in the coming New World Order. And to think it will have all begun by them stealing just one little thing, YOUR PRIVACY. This will happen with the consent and even adoration of many naïve individuals, who will just say: "I have nothing to hide". What do I need a gun for?
                                    Snowden's Full Interview

Glenn Greenwald, who broke the NSA surveillance story based on Snowden’s leaks last month. In his latest scoop, Greenwald has revealed the NSA has systematically tapped into Brazil’s telecommunication network and indiscriminately intercepted, collected and stored the email and telephone records of millions of Brazilians for years. "The U.S. government has been its own worst enemy in this entire episode," Greenwald says. "The idea they would pressure their European allies to block the plane carrying a president of a sovereign state is a really radical and extreme act. It smacks of rogue nation status and the kind of imperialism and colonialism that Latin America has long chafed at. I think that’s the reason you’re seeing so much support for Snowden in Latin American governments and among the populations as well."

Glen Greenwald Say's Europe Only Pretending Disgust Over NSA Spying



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