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Sunday, December 16, 2012

The TSA has quietly announced that it is constructing a watch list of individuals that it deems to be unfriendly toward it's Draconian policies.  
The ACLU has previously contended that huge numbers of Americans are opposed to the measures employed by the DHS and the TSA in the nation’s airports and train stations, but that many have not registered official complaints for fear of being placed on a watch list. The agency, under the Department of Homeland Security, notes: “As part of the effort to identify individuals that are low risk, TSA also is creating and maintaining a watch list of individuals who are disqualified from eligibility from TSA Precheck, for some period of time or permanently, because they have been involved in violations of security regulations of sufficient severity or frequency.” The PreCheck program, introduced earlier this year, encourages frequent fliers to allow TSA access to a host of details and personal information, the idea being that if you qualify, you are spared some of the security theater hell that the rest of the cattle are forced to endure when passing through airport checkpoints. The ultimate irony behind this revelation is the fact that some attempting to sign up to avoid TSA interrogation every time they fly, could ultimately end up on a government watch list and be subjected to even more nightmare police state treatment than if they had not bothered in the first place. The recent revelation that anyone can print out a boarding-pass and alter one number on it to make it appear they are enrolled in PreCheck goes to show that the program is just another layer of security theater. In addition, there have been accounts of travelers being mistakenly waved through the PreCheck lines, even though they have never registered for the program.

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