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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Runaway spending could soon produce hyperinflation. This will drive prices sky high. Money will lose most of its value. Buy things you can use before you find that your money will buy very little. The U.S. has abused its status of having the world's reserve currency for far too long. We are on an unavoidable path towards hyperinflation. At this point, it is only a matter of time before the value of the U.S. Dollar collapses. With China likely to become a net seller of U.S. Treasuries to fund their own $586 billion stimulus plan, there is the likelihood there will soon be a run on the dollar and a rush into gold and silver.  The Federal Reserve has continued with quantitative easing  (printing/creating money) that will devalue the spending power of the dollar. Thus creating hyperinflation. It will take more money to buy the goods your dollar once was able to purchase. Hyperinflation occurred in the Soviet Union and also in Germany after WWII. People actually burned money to heat their homes because the money had no value.


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