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Sunday, July 15, 2012

NEW YORK TIMES - The new policy represents yet another pointless exercise of power that seems designed to achieve little else than harassing travelers and treating them like prisoners by aggressively demanding immediate subservience.
The TSA has failed to respond to the now confirmed fact that the federal agency has introduced a bizarre new policy in which travelers are ordered to “freeze” on command by TSA screeners while passing through security, a policy described as “obedience training” by critics.If you thought the bizarre power trip behavior of the TSA couldn’t get any crazier – think again. According to a friend of political commentator Lew Rockwell, the federal agency is now ordering travelers passing through security to “freeze” on command. Explaining how he had arranged with his family to split up as they were passing through airport security, the correspondent, whose story is, explains how he heard a commotion from a different security lane. We heard a “freeze, freeze” or something like this coming from the output side of (false) security (where my wife was), followed by further barking of commands. From where I was, I couldn’t see much.” “It turns out they were doing a new drill. They want all passengers to freeze on command. My wife told me later that she didn’t follow this order fast enough, so the subsequent barks I heard were directed at her.” The TSA is ordering travelers to “freeze” on command as part of a security drill named ‘Code Bravo’. This is documented in a New York Times article written by Joe Sharkey in which Sharkey explains how he was caught up in the fiasco on two separate occasions in both Atlanta and Los Angeles. When Sharkey failed to obey a TSA screener who shouted “freeze,” he was assailed by another traveler who “growled” at him, “You’re supposed to freeze!” as other passengers (SHEEP) complied with the bizarre demand.    

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