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All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to be silent -Thomas Jefferson-

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Dozens Of Active-Duty U.S. Military Troops Found On Nazi Website
STARS & STRIPES - A Department of Homeland Security report said law enforcement groups should beware of extremists coming out of military duty or groups trying to recruit susceptible veterans for their combat skills.
Some military officers conceded that recruitment and retention pressures forced them to look the other way when presented with overwhelming evidence of hate group membership. One participant under the username “WhitePride 85,” who said he is a 24-year-old staff sergeant from Madison, Wis., wrote: “I have been in the Army for over 5 years now ... I am a SSGT ... I have been in Iraq and Kuwait ... I love and will do anything to keep our master race marching. I have been a skinhead forever.” Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., attached an amendment to the 2010 defense authorization bill that would expressly ban the “recruitment, enlistment or retention” of anyone tied to an extremist group. “The problem is that in many instances, recruiters and commanding officers are looking the other way,” Hastings said in a statement. “The United States Government should not be providing the highest quality of military training in the world to individuals who hope to use that training in a ‘race war’ or in an effort to overthrow the United States Government.”


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