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Monday, July 16, 2012

BRITISH STUDY REVEALS TERRORIST BOOGIEMAN SCARE TACTICS ARE   “exaggerated for political or commercial purposes” 
  Independent review of terrorism legislation points to governments exaggeration of threat for political and corporate gain.
The truth is you are hundreds of more times likely to drown in your own bathtub or die from a bee sting than from a terrorist attack!
Despite these facts, billions is spent on “homeland security” while Americans are hit with crippling austerity measures. In addition, sweeping laws are undermining core liberties, all in the name of countering a monolithic terrorist threat that mostly exists in the minds of those who profit the most.. Furthermore, research has shown that more people are being killed or putting themselves in more danger owing to the heightened perceived threat of terrorism. As reports such as this continue to highlight, in reality the security industry cash cow is based on little more than hot air and fear mongering. The war on terror, and the onslaught of domestic repression that has accompanied it, is based almost entirely on phony pretexts. “The values of a liberal democracy deserve support from laws against terrorism, but the same values require that those laws be subject to strict scrutiny.” the study states.


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