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All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to be silent -Thomas Jefferson-

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Thursday, May 24, 2012


                             LETHAL POLICE DRONES COMING SOON SAYS CBS            
Can you imagine your local cops sitting  behind their drone monitors with doughnuts in one hand and the controls in the other zapping  people who refuse to pay their overdue parking tickets or forget to return library books, detected by that ever-present police eye in the sky. Can you imagine them looking in your bedroom window or into your once private backyard from hundreds of feet away. Well you don't have to imagine any more because the future is now! Technology once reserved for killing terrorists living in caves will now be used on you and your family! All bought and paid for by our friends at Homeland Security at $300,000+ per unit. But easily turned into worthless junk with a $1.00 shotgun shell.
With the use of domestic drones increasing, concern has not just come up over privacy issues, but also over the potential use of lethal force by the unmanned aircraft. Drones have been used overseas to target and kill high-level terror leaders and are also being used along the U.S.-Mexico border in the battle against illegal immigration. But now, these drones are starting to be used domestically at an increasing rate. The Federal Aviation Administration has allowed several police departments to use drones across the U.S. They are controlled from a remote location and use infrared sensors and high-resolution cameras. Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Texas told The Daily that his department is considering using rubber bullets and tear gas on its drone. The use of potential force from drones has raised the ire of the American Civil Liberties Union. “It’s simply not appropriate to use any of force, lethal or non-lethal, on a drone,” Catherine Crump, staff attorney for the ACLU, told CBS. The ACLU is also worried about potential drones malfunctioning and falling from the sky, adding that they are keeping a close eye on the use of these unmanned aircraft by police departments. Just remember these can and will be easily shot down. Many property deeds give homeowners  air space rights. Check your deed and property rights in your state and find out if you can legally protect your family and property from the danger and invasiveness of this Police State Technology by shooting them down. Some patriot should offer a cash reward to responsible citizens who shoot these despicable drones out of the sky!


                       HOW WOULD YOU LIKE  THIS
                 CRASHING INTO YOUR HOUSE?


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