Cops arrested an Illinois man and was told by police he would spend 15 years behind bars for “eavesdropping” after the man filmed his own traffic stop, in another example of how citizens are being intimidated out of documenting the actions of public servants despite every single case against Americans for recording police officers being thrown out of court. After spending a night in jail, he was released the next day and all charges against him were dropped. However,he has decided to file a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the law, an effort the Attorney General’s office has dismissed, but legal precedent clearly indicates that he will win the case. The Illinois eavesdropping law has been proven unconstitutional time and time again, and yet police in the state and other states around the country with even less strict laws are still arresting citizens for filming police officers. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public place – that’s why police are allowed to film citizens from dashboard cameras. However, citizens are still being told they have less rights than public servants. Despite these rulings, we seem to have entered some kind of twilight zone where legal precedent no longer has any meaning. This is the true measure of a predatory police state. Cops are still being trained by their superiors that recording police officers is a criminal offense.
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